The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) and Children’s Trust of South Carolina today announced a partnership to help schools recognize and address the impacts of the pandemic on the…
Children’s Trust of South Carolina has a resource site for parents around the state called The website provides information about support available throughout South Carolina including housing, transportation, employment, educational…
Joan Hoffman, Children’s Trust chief operating officer, has been reelected to a two-year term on the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance board of directors beginning in 2022. Hoffman, a Children’s Trust…
Children's Trust hopes you will join us during the season of giving as all of us work together to help parents and caregivers across South Carolina receive the resources they…
Members of the Children’s Trust board of directors are sharing their thanks with the organization’s donors in the month of November. The annual Thank-A-Thon event features board members calling those…
The S.C. Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with Children’s Trust, is launching Community Connections, a free 24/7 online database of resources that connects South Carolinians in need…
The Community Support for Young Parents initiative – funded through a grant from the U.S. Office of Population Affairs’ Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) – advanced teen reproductive health in South…
Children’s Trust has published a research brief, “Positive Childhood Experiences in South Carolina (PDF),” that details how protective factors and positive experiences can help children overcome adversity…
Children’s Trust director of research, Aditi Srivastav Bussells, Ph.D., was named by Multiplying Good to the 2021 Class of ChangeMakers in the Midlands – community leaders who have demonstrated a…
Prevent Child Abuse America gives the James Hmurovich Award to Children’s Trust CEO Sue Williams. Children’s Trust CEO Sue Williams was named the recipient of the James Hmurovich Award…