Midlands Biz

The Who’s on the Move, BizSC, Non Profit Minute is a quick, one minute interview in support of the amazing impact that local non profits have on our communities.

Sue Williams, CEO, Children’s Trust of South Carolina

The mission of the Children’s Trust of South Carolina is to strengthen families and lead communities to prevent child abuse, neglect and injuries in South Carolina. Their overall target is to reduce confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect and unintentional injuries in South Carolina.

Children’s Trust:

  • Collaborates state and local partners to deliver effective prevention programs
  • Trains people who work with children and families
  • Leads community outreach to build awareness of the work that needs to be done
  • Advocates for policies at the legislative level that can turn into laws improving the lives of children
  • Conducts research and evaluation that can lead to a deeper understanding of what we need to do and why

Source: Midlands Biz