Be a champion for children

When we all do a little, we can have a big impact.

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We believe all children should thrive, live in secure families and be surrounded by supportive communities.

South Carolina children need you


children were in founded investigations of child abuse and neglect.


South Carolina ranks 40 in child well-being.


of South Carolina adults reported an adverse experience as a child.

Working with partners across South Carolina

Oconee Pickens Greenville Spartanburg Cherokee York Lancaster Chesterfield Marlboro Dillon Horry Anderson Laurens Union Chester Abbeville Greenwood McCormick Edgefield Newberry Saluda Lexington Richland Fairfield Kershaw Lee Darlington Florence Marion Aiken Sumter Calhoun Clarendon Orangeburg Williamsburg Georgetown Barnwell Allendale Bamberg Hampton Colleton Dorchester Berkeley Jasper Beaufort Beaufort Beaufort Charleston

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COVID-19 Data Snapshot
COVID-19 Impact on S.C. Families

This 2021 updated COVID-19 data snapshot contains state-level data on the impact of the pandemic on South Carolina child and family well-being as well as ways to provide and advocate for supports.

Share our COVID-19 data snapshot (PDF)
Mixed race family playing on the sofa
Share your opinion on issues impacting children and families

The Policy Forum features guest columns on issues impacting children and families in South Carolina. We welcome contributions from community leaders, public health professionals, academic experts and policymakers.

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Woman speaking at a meeting sharing ideas
Research and data

We collect and study child data so that we know where to target prevention efforts, what's working and what's not working.

Share our research and data