National and state leaders in child abuse prevention understand the value of the Building Hope for Children Conference, which will be held virtually March 23-25. By registering for this event, child-serving professionals, early childhood home visitors and prevention advocates will get the benefit of shared learning, new ideas, and inspirational messages on important issues like equity, protective factors, and statewide collaboration.
Our February newsletter also includes:
- Child Abuse Prevention Month webinar and grants signups
- Prevent Child Abuse America rechartering Children’s Trust as its S.C. affiliate
- CEO Sue Williams presenting to the House Early Childhood Subcommittee
- Strengthening Families Program parents showing leadership
- PCA America’s resource page on racism during Black History Month
- A Forbes story on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) during the pandemic
- Research director Aditi Srivastav Bussells being recognized by Narrative Science