Every day, parents across South Carolina work to improve the lives of their families, neighbors and communities. One of those parents is Nicola Parker.

Nicola Parker and her son, Trenton.
Nicola is mom to her 15-year-old son, Trenton. They live in Georgetown, South Carolina, where Nicola owns a home daycare. She recently shared how participating in Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) with New Directions of Horry County and Tidelands Health taught her strategies to best parent her son.
What parenting advice would you give your younger self?
The advice that I would give to my younger self is to just be patient. Kids are kids. They are learning and we are forever teaching them, so you just have to be patient.
How has Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) helped you as a parent?
The Triple P parenting program has helped me so much. Going to the meetings and the different trainings, reading the information and focusing on them, I feel has helped me to be a better parent. It has helped me to not just tell my child what to do but to teach him what he needs to do and how he needs to do it. To talk with him, to listen to him – because I am here to help guide him. The Triple P program is awesome!
What’s your favorite game or activity to play with your child?
He likes board games. One of his favorite games is Pay Day. I don’t know why he always wins; he cannot keep a dollar to his name! But Pay Day is always the first game he goes to. That’s something that we love to do together.
Triple P is a parenting support program for parents that provides easy, practical strategies to help caregivers navigate challenges and build healthy relationships with their children. It is offered in Georgetown County by Tidelands Health, the local coordinating agency of the program, through a grant from Children’s Trust of South Carolina and The Duke Endowment. Learn more about Triple P in Georgetown.