The coronavirus outbreak is having a major impact on every part of daily life, and that’s certainly the case for community organizations as well as state and federal agencies dedicated…
Children’s Trust is working with parent advisory councils in Richland, Oconee, and Marlboro counties to inform parents, community leaders, educators, and health care providers about effective strategies to prevent childhood…
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is ready to serve families in Greenville County through Greenville First Steps with funding and support from Children’s Trust and The Duke Endowment.
The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation awards Catalyst Grants to organizations that promote and support healthier South Carolinians, particularly the economically vulnerable. In 2019, Children’s Trust was named…
February is National Parent Leadership Month, which is dedicated to recognizing the important role of parents in raising healthy families in their homes and communities. Throughout the month, events across…
Phillip Cease has joined the Children’s Trust staff as the new director of policy and advocacy. A former policy advisor to Gov. Mark Sanford, Cease educates policymakers and…
Joan Fail Hoffman, Children’s Trust chief operating officer, was named to the board of directors for the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance for a two-year term beginning in 2020. Hoffman, who…
Eric Bellamy, Children’s Trust director of program integration, was named to the board of directors for the Association of State and Tribal Home Visiting Initiatives (ASTHVI) for a two-year term…
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently honored Greenville as one of five communities nationally for unwavering commitment to promoting health and well-being. The winners have shown tremendous initiative in rallying…
Children’s Trust of South Carolina, the statewide organization working to prevent child abuse, neglect and injury, has released its annual KIDS COUNT child well-being data by county. Using…