Senate to Debate Abuse and Neglect Definitions

The Policy Post includes debate this week on modifying abuse and neglect definitions; expanding the definition of kinship care to include “fictive kin;” updating the state’s Safe Haven law to allow surrender…

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Lawmakers Begin Push to Ban Child Marriages

The Policy Post includes the early push in the Senate and the House to outlaw child marriages, updates on mandated reporters, prostitution and trafficking, the definition of torture, DHEC’s new…

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2019 Legislative Session Is Underway

The Policy Post includes the start of the new session; child-serving bills that focus on the prevention of abuse and neglect; the Freshman Academy hosted by Children’s Trust in December;…

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Legislative Session Is Not Quite a Wrap

The Policy Post includes: Lawmakers Will Return to Finish Business; U.S. Budget Calls for Kinship Navigator Programs; Determining Support of Therapeutic Foster Care; RAND Publishes Essay on How Child Welfare…

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State Budget Heads to Conference Committee

The Policy Post includes: Legislature Set to Finish Session This Week; Mandated Reporters Update; Torture Definition Amended; Safe Sleep Bill Passes House and Senate; and New Bill Comes Out of…

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Child’s Advocate Bill Passes House

The Policy Post includes: Office of Child’s Advocate Bill Awaits Governor’s Signature; Mandated Reporter Bill Passes; Children’s Trust Highlights Child Passenger Safety at State House Event; Committee on Children Annual…

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