April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Gov. Henry McMaster has issued his annual proclamation in support of keeping children safe and building strong families.

Gov. Henry McMaster speaks at the 2019 Child Abuse Prevention Month press conference. One could not be held this year due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Gov. Henry McMaster proclaimed April as Child Abuse Prevention Month throughout the state as he encourages all South Carolinians to dedicate themselves to protecting the quality of life for every child.
Raising awareness is a critical first step in preventing child abuse and neglect. Child Abuse Prevention Month, held annually in April, is the opportunity for organizations, governmental agencies, businesses, communities, neighborhoods, faith-based groups and individuals to join together to show that we are a powerful voice for South Carolina’s children and families.
By displaying pinwheels, the national symbol for happy, healthy childhoods, and showing support with online awareness events, prevention partners across the state can help ensure that comprehensive, community-based prevention efforts are at work in South Carolina through proven programs and effective policy solutions.
Although this year’s public events had to be canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak, our partners have continued their outreach through social media and online messaging. As the state affiliate for Prevent Child Abuse America, Children’s Trust is emphasizing the hashtag #InThisTogether to highlight the importance of child abuse prevention, which is even more pronounced in this public health crisis.
“These are uneasy times for everyone, but especially children and their families. School cancellations, rapidly changing health alerts, business closings, and orders to stay home all become significant stressors to kids and parents,” Children’s Trust CEO Sue Williams wrote in a recent open letter. “And for families that may already be under strain due to complex issues such as food or housing instability, the social distancing and quarantines can exacerbate their frustration and isolation, making some especially vulnerable. In previous times of stress and crisis, we have seen rates of child abuse rise.”
The goal of Child Abuse Prevention Month is to inspire and foster action among the public to get involved in child abuse prevention efforts in their communities. Children’s Trust is a statewide prevention leader through supporting and delivering programs, providing resources, building coalitions, organizing training, and advocating for effective policies.