February is National Parent Leadership Month, which is dedicated to recognizing the important role of parents in raising healthy families in their homes and communities.
Throughout the month, events across the United States will present information on how parents and foster parents can become active leaders in promoting positive behaviors and preventing childhood maltreatment. Children’s Trust is working with parent advisory councils in Oconee, Marlboro and Richland counties to build better communications between parents and the organizations that serve families in order to make services more effective and essential.
Both nationally and statewide, the goal is to inform parents, community leaders, educators, and health care providers about effective strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect.

Patrice Cleveland
As a part of National Parent Leadership Month, we chatted with Patrice Cleveland, an educational assistant with the Oconee County School District who serves as the parent lead for our Oconee County parent advisory council called Parent Matters of Oconee, to get her perspective on the significance of helping parents in her community.
These councils, an initiative of Children’s Trust funded by the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention program, can include biological parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, and kinship caregivers – anyone who has the role of parent in a child’s life.
Dana Powell, the parent and community engagement coordinator for Children’s Trust, cites Cleveland’s commitment to paving a better path for all families in Oconee County.
“Patrice is a single mother of two boys, both in the middle of basketball and wrestling season, working a full-time job, looking for ways to network and connect in her community, and taking on this leadership role for parents all while working on her bachelor’s degree,” Powell said. “She is committed to being an example for her kids of what they can accomplish and wants to be a voice for other parents to encourage them in achieving their goals while being the best parents they can be. She’s a pretty amazing human being, and it’s an honor to get to work with her.”
Three questions for Patrice Cleveland
Why is it crucial that parents have effective communications with the local organizations that serve families?
“It’s extremely important to communicate effectively with local organizations to have knowledge of any resources available in their community. These local organizations are here to serve families to provide needed resources to help push families out of current situations and into their full potential and purpose. This will help families overcome any struggles and help them to climb into their interests, goals and dreams.”
What do you hope to accomplish in your county’s communities that can help parents and families access services?
“My goal in Oconee County is to make sure the needs of all families are being met effectively and that families are aware of what resources better fits their needs. My plan is to respect any family structures, as I provide a voice for our county of families striving for excellence.”
How meaningful are the connections you are making with other parents in your community as you work to provide a voice for all families?
“The connections of trust and honesty gained by parents in Oconee County are world-changing. In our community, I work to provide a voice for all families who are voiceless as I gain a listening ear. I make sure the needs and concerns are addressed within our community.”
If anyone is interested in learning more about Parent Matters of Oconee, send an email to oconee.parentmatters@gmail.com. Ripple of One is the host organization for Parent Matters of Oconee. For more information on all of our parent advisory councils, contact Dana Powell, the parent and community engagement coordinator for Children’s Trust.