Collage of conference, a family and out brand identity guide.

Our brand is a direct reflection of who we are as an organization and of the relationships that we share with our partnering organizations.

A better future for South Carolina

Children’s Trust is South Carolina’s leader for the prevention of child abuse, neglect and injuries. We want every child to experience a great childhood, growing up healthy, nurtured, safe and strong.  South Carolina’s vulnerable children and families need solutions, grounded in research and fueled by collaboration, that focus on two-generation strategies and sustainability to reduce child abuse and neglect in our state.

We know a better future starts with better childhoods, and when prevention is strong, South Carolina is strong.

Parent Matters kids

Communications foundation

We are the leading prevention organization in South Carolina because of our resources, experience, expertise, credibility and passion. Therefore, our visual identity will be bold and engaging.

Our prevention work is grounded in a strengths-based approach. Our stories are best told from a position of strength reflecting happy, healthy and safe children as compared to images and stories of children who have experienced trauma.

Building Hope for Children Conference session breakout

Our Brand Identity Guide

This helpful resource illustrates our brand as the organization preventing child abuse and neglect in South Carolina. It includes several helpful sections that include logo, visual and branded assets, signature work identities and our sub-brands. It also gives guidance on our logo usage, colors, photography, iconography and illustration styles.

This guide should be used if you are creating anything representing our brand.

Brand Identity Guide (PDF)

Children's Trust of South Carolina, Brand Identity Guide.

For more information