The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is one of the proven prevention programs Children’s Trust supports. The program helps families by building communication and bonding skills between parents and their elementary school-age children. SFP has impacted more than 1,300 children in South Carolina.

Nicole Foulks serves as Children’s Trust Strengthening Families Program manager.
Nicole Foulks, Children’s Trust’s Strengthening Families Program manager, explained what SFP is, how she has seen it change families’ lives and how to sign up.
What is the Strengthening Families Program (SFP)?
SFP is an evidence-based, two-generation program that supports caregivers with improving their bond and communication with their children. This 14-week program provides and supports the enhancement of building the communication skills and bonds of the entire family unit: the adults and the children.
Who is SFP for?
SFP is for children ages 6-11 and their caregivers. It is for any family who wants to see their relationship with their child improve. It is for any family who wants to experience their children ages 6-11 do better in the home, the community and school.
Where is the program offered?
SFP is currently available in 33 of 46 counties in South Carolina.
What do kids and caregivers get out of SFP?
Kids and caregivers leave with skills and tools that have been taught and practiced over the 14-week duration of the program. Children and families often leave with positive lifelong connections with the families they experienced the program with. These new connections can serve as an accountability partner, a resource and support in various ways: transportation, babysitting, an ear to listen or help with problem solving. Many families arrive at the program with no adult support, but upon leaving, they gain the support of the group participants and facilitators.
How have you seen this program change lives?
We have hundreds of stories that demonstrate that SFP works. We have experienced couples on the brink of divorce, no longer wanting that divorce. We have experienced caregivers who arrived believing that they were the only ones in the world with the struggles that they had – only to be able to connect and believe that they were not alone. We have experienced children with extensive behavior problems excel in school academically and behaviorally. We often experience caregivers who acknowledge they had no idea there was a better way to parent or that having a positive relationship with their children was possible.
How do you sign up?
It is very simple – just complete the referral form and a provider will contact you in three to five business days to support the caregiver in the next steps.
Learn more about the Strengthening Families Program.