Woman speaking at a meeting sharing ideas

Knowing how and where to target prevention

We conduct research and assess child and family data so that we know where to target prevention efforts, what's working and what's not working. Understanding child well-being trends is important because the insights gained enable us to focus on policies and programs that will lead to the most substantial and cost-effective advancements in preventing child abuse, neglect.

Data profiles

We provide state and county level profiles to help you mobilize your community to promote child well-being.

COVID-19 2021 data snapshot fanned across a light wooded table top.
COVID-19 Impact on South Carolina Child Well-Being

COVID-19 2021 data snapshot contains state-level data on the impact of the pandemic on South Carolina child and family well-being as well as ways to provide and advocate for supports.

COVID-19 data snapshot (PDF)
County data profile samples fanned across a dark wood table.
County Data Profiles

County data profiles for Child Well-Being, Child Maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

County Data Profiles
Child Well Being in South Carolina data profile
Child well-being in South Carolina

KIDS COUNT rankings and indicators for South Carolina. Indicates the areas where South Carolina has improved, declined or stayed the same with each indicator.

S.C. child well-being profile (PDF)
Adverse childhood experience data by race profiles fanned across a wooden table.
South Carolina adverse childhood experience (ACE) data by race

Provides a snapshot of how ACEs affect different races and can be used as a tool to empower action.

ACE data by race profiles (PDF)

Research and policy briefs

We create briefs to provide snapshots of what you need to know about research and policy to promote child well-being.

Research to Action: Maternal Health Communication research.
Research to Action: Maternal Health Communication

Exploring the influences of ACEs and parenting stress on maternal health communications.

Research to Action: Maternal Health Communication (PDF)
Positive childhood experiences in South Carolina brief fanned across a wood table top.
Positive Childhood Experiences in South Carolina

Children, despite experiencing ACEs, can also experience many positive things.

Positive Childhood Experiences in South Carolina (PDF)
Young black couple with their baby girl on their laps.
South Carolina Home Visiting Needs Assessment Update Executive Summary

An executive summary of the state's 2020 home visiting needs assessment

Home Visiting Needs Assessment Executive Summary (PDF)
Young black couple with their newborn baby.
South Carolina Home Visiting Needs Assessment Update

A complete report of the state's 2020 home visiting needs assessment

Home Visiting Needs Assessment (PDF)
Home visiting 2020 needs assessment on a light wood table.
South Carolina Home Visiting Needs Assessment Update Infographic

A visual overview of the state's 2020 home visiting needs assessment

Home Visiting Needs Assessment Infographic (PDF)
Research brief on a dark wooded table.
Portraits of Success and Resilience in South Carolina, A Qualitative Study

A qualitative study examining how people in South Carolina who had experienced a lot of childhood adversity were able to be resilient and successful in their life.

Portraits of Success and Resilience in South Carolina (PDF)
Printed copy on a dark wood table.
Legislator Perspectives on Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences in South Carolina

This qualitative study provides insight on a unique study conducted with state legislators in South Carolina on ways in which adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can be prevented through public policy efforts.

Legislator perspective study (PDF)
Samples fanned on a dark wooden table.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

Topics include the data collection process, an overview of ACEs, the prevalence of ACEs in various populations, and the relationship between ACEs and health and social outcomes.

ACE research briefs
Printed copies fanned over a light wood table.
Poverty and South Carolina's Children

Examining the impact of poverty on children and families in South Carolina, this brief offers recommendations to improve economic stability, access to quality child care, and overall health and well-being.

Poverty and S.C.'s Children (PDF)
Printed copy of the policy brief fanned over a light wood desk.
Policy Brief for the Office of Child's Advocate

Children’s Trust examines the role an OCA could play to protect children across South Carolina, and highlights the attributes of the most effective OCAs in other states.

Policy Brief for the Office of Child's Advocate (PDF)
Printed copies illustrating the heat maps on a light wood table.
Heat maps with data

This research brief shows how heat maps can be used to support data-driven conversations and decision making.

Getting to Ground Truth (PDF)

For more information

Kayce Singletary, LMSW, MPH, CHES
Chief Impact Officer