The Community Support for Young Parents initiative – funded through a grant from the U.S. Office of Population Affairs’ Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) – advanced teen reproductive health in South Carolina from 2013 to 2019. Children’s Trust worked with Fact Forward and the SC Center for Fathers and Families, which addressed the fatherhood piece of the equation, through local partners across the state to develop a network of programs and services that supported expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers, and their families.
As part of a final report to federal funders that summarized the initiative’s work with families, Fact Forward put together a video, entitled “A Lasting Impact: Community Support for Young Parents,” that featured key members of the organizations and local partners behind the grant as they explained the success of the initiative over this period.
Children’s Trust CEO Sue Williams noted the three primary implementing organizations had not worked together before the start of the grant.
“We worked it out, each of us bringing our unique skills and talents to this grant and these young people,” Williams said. “Together we have made an impact on so many young families and their communities, helping them integrate, find resources and be the good parents they want to be.”