Children’s Trust introduces a resource database to help families connect with community resources and supports. Children’s Trust of South Carolina has launched, a statewide…
Children’s Trust continues to work with its home visiting partners across South Carolina to ensure mothers and young children receive key support and resources during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s…
Aditi Srivastav Bussells, Ph.D., Children’s Trust director of research, was named by Columbia Business Monthly to its 2020 Best and Brightest 35 And Under for her commitment to child abuse…
The state of South Carolina is one of four jurisdictions nationwide chosen to participate in the first tier of a cutting-edge national program that aims to move child welfare systems…
Family strengthening programs are needed now more than ever, and Children’s Trust continues to work with its partners across South Carolina to deliver services to children and families during…
Eric Bellamy was named a recipient of the One in a Million Award by Multiplying Good, a New York-based organization offering programs that help individuals discover their potential through…
The S.C. Department of Social Services works with Children’s Trust to help put evidenced-based prevention programs into place for families and train child-serving professionals. At a recent Senate meeting,…
With so much uncertainty, disruption of routine, and social isolation in the world today, it is important for families to find ways to remain connected and stay on a…
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak has led Children’s Trust to make adaptations to how it conducts training sessions with child-serving professionals across the state. Michael Shirley, the community…
Children’s Trust continues to work with its partners across South Carolina to provide services to children and families during the coronavirus pandemic. While social distancing has limited much of…