2019 Home Visiting Summit Award

Griggs Named Home Visitor of the Year

Children’s Trust and the South Carolina Home Visiting Consortium awarded the first Home Visitor of the Year award at the 2019 Home Visiting Summit. Neil White, who tells the…

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Parent Matters meeting

Advisory Councils Give Parents a Say

Children’s Trust has launched parent advisory councils in three regions across the state to ensure parent voice in prevention and family strengthening work. Neil White, who tells the organization’s…

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Group Connections Home Visiting

Families Discover Resources in Home Visiting

Home visiting models such as Parents as Teachers provide mothers with young children with important information, resources and skills that transform lives. Neil White, who tells the stories of Children’s…

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DarlingtonSFP - Tracy Redfearn

Building a Bridge to Stronger Families

As Children’s Trust works with local partners across South Carolina to support children and families, Neil White, who tells the stories of the organization, visits one of the sites…

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